Napoleon Hill’s classic books, Think and Grow Rich and The Law of Success, are timeless classics, enjoyed by people from all walks of life from around the world.Hill’s writings were about people were that were alive at time he wrote it. One of the concerns that The Napoleon Hill Foundation has is that, in order to get Millennials and upcoming generations to follow Hill’s Success Principles, more recent and relevant stories need to be shared.When you read Journeys To Success, you will read about the personal and intimate stories of how Think and Grow Rich helped the co-authors overcome adversity and defeat, find their purpose, and maintain a Positive Mental Attitude through the many and varied challenges life brings your way. Hill identified 12 Riches of Life and at the top of the list is a Positive Mental Attitude. Purposefully, economic security is the last of the 12 Riches. Other Riches include; sound physical health, harmony in human relationships, freedom from fear, the hope of achievement, the capacity for faith, a willingness to share one’s blessings, a labor of love, an open mind on all subjects, self-discipline, and the capacity to understand people.You have between 50,000 – 60,000 thoughts every day. God has given you the power to control your thoughts. Sadly, only about 5-10% of people actually make the effort to purposefully stop negative thoughts and replace them with pre-chosen positive thoughts. You will learn how these authors are able to do that and how you can as well.The main theme behind Hill’s book ‘Outwitting The Devil’ is that Satan wants everyone to be ‘drifters’, without any burning desire, specific purpose, or meaningful goals. Although W. Clement Stone and the current President of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, James Oleson, thought that a Positive Mental Attitude is the most important Success Principle, Hill and Andrew Carnegie believed that having a specific and singular lifetime purpose was the most essential factor to achieving life success.The authors’ stories will spark your imagination and encourage you to discover what you were created to do with your skills, talents, and abilities.You will hear about the powerful life-changing possibilities of a mastermind group, and it is our hope that you take action to recruit the people you need to help you make steady progress towards your goals.Once you know your specific purpose, and have recruited mastermind partners who will work in perfect harmony with you, you must demonstrate Applied Faith by taking action on a consistent basis over a long period of time. In most cases, you will not know every twist, turn, and obstacle along your upcoming journey and so it takes faith in yourself, your purpose and your plans to do something about it. Often, the best approach is Ready – Fire – Aim. Using this process, you take small steps and correct as you receive feedback until you are aiming at, and heading for, your target dead on. Waiting to know everything and eliminating all fears before taking action usually results in no action ever being taken.You are going to learn how important Going The Extra Mile has been for the authors and what they did to demonstrate that Success Principle to achieve their goals. Andrew Carnegie was a BIG supporter of Going The Extra Mile and he practiced it in his own life, starting with nothing, becoming the 3rd wealthiest person who ever lived, and then giving away 90% of his fortune.Going The Extra Mile is a Principle that does not apply to simply working for money. It applies in every area of your life including being a spouse, parent, friend, son or daughter. When you apply it every single day in every area of your life, whether you feel like it or not, you will become a person of character and value to the people closest to you.The co-authors of Journeys To Success would like to work with you to apply the 17 Principles from the PMA Science of Success course. Reach out to them at the book website.